segunda-feira, 20 de outubro de 2014

Review - second hand japanese brand clothing and bunny backpack from Tokio Madness Store

So I finally created my Facebook page Arya Urubunny I decided that I should finally do the review from Tokio Madness Store.

Tokio Madness Store is an online store on Facebook that sells anime figures and merchandise, wigs, LoL merchandise, Kpop merchandise, cute backpacks, Jrock merchandise, Japanese fashion magazines, Jrock and Jpop cds, second hand Japanese brand clothes and other cute stuff.

They gave me a HELL CAT PUNKS dress, a Sex Pot Revenge t-shirt and a backpack with bunny ears and studs! Everything is to dye for!
I have to say everything came packed very nicely and the clothes had a very good scent, so I assume both the dress and the shirt were cleaned before being sent.


I'm in love with this dress, and I thought I'd never wear such a balloon dress! I always thought it would make me feel too fat. It's perfect for a Pastel Goth outfit, if matched with the right accessories. It came super clean and it was the first item I had to try on. I already wore it twice and I have to say it is soooo comfortable! 

SexPot Revenge t-shirt 

This is perfect for a punk look! I love the distressed look and it's everything I love about Sex Pot Revenge. I would wear it every day! And, seriously, I loveeee the scent it came with. 

Bunny ears and golden studs backpack 

I have to admit that since I got this, I can't use any other purse/backpack. Since it's kind of small (26x20x11cm) I don't carry too much stuff as I usually do. It came in a white fluffy bag to avoid damage. The bunny ears are detachable, so you can give it a cuter look or keep it simple. I think I will end up getting another one in a different color, so I can complete my sweeter, pastel looks :3

So, my conclusion...

I will DEFINETLY buy from them! They are super nice, even though some time they take a while to answer. They are super careful with the quality of the clothes, everything feels like it's new, just like it came out of the store! They send everything carefully protected to avoid any damage to the items. They always make sure the clothes are in very good conditions even though they have been used before. They also offer shopping service for those who can't use paypal! You just have to tell them what you're looking for and they will look it up :3 

sexta-feira, 22 de agosto de 2014

Cronograma Capilar

Depois de tanto tempo decidi voltar xD Bastante pessoas têm me pedido informações sobre como cuidar dos cabelos ou como recupera-los então decidi voltar a postar aqui as informações todas :3 Vou postar informações, dicas e até as máscaras e tratamentos que eu faço x3

As perguntas mais frequentes que tenho recebido nos últimos tempos: 

  1. "O que fazes para recuperar o cabelo?" 

    Infelizmente, não tenho um produto milagroso que restaura o cabelo da noite pro dia :c
    Ora bem, um dos resultados de ter cabelos coloridos é a necessidade de fazer pesquisa sobre como cuidar melhor do cabelo, para podermos atingir a cor que tanto desejamos sem danificar os nossos preciosos fios. Foi assim que descobri a maravilha chamada Cronograma Capilar!

  2. "Que produtos usas?".

    Quanto aos produtos eu vou vos mostrando e até fazendo reviews. Mas não é necessário comprarem produtos super caros para verem os resultados, podem até fazer um cronograma capilar com produtos de supermercado XP Basta estarem atentos aos ingredientes dos produtos, pois devem se evitar alguns, que infelizmente estao presentes em vários produtos de supermercado, mas isso depois publico mais tarde. 

Cronograma Capilar, o que é? 

É simplesmente uma agenda de recuperação do cabelo. Não é tão difícil como vai parecer xD Mas para quem não consegue perceber o que o cabelo precisa só de passar a mão, o mais fácil a fazer é agendar a realização de cada etapa.

Então, o cronograma é constituído por 3 etapas:
  • hidratação 
  • nutrição 
  • reconstrução
A hidratação é reposição de água e é a etapa que deve ter mais frequência. É a melhor solução para cabelos ressecados, secos. E como perceber que o cabelo precisa muito de hidratação? Simples, Quando fica molhado fica normal, mas seco parece uma vassoura. 

A nutrição é reposição de nutrientes e apenas necessita uma frequência média. É a melhor solução para cabelos porosos, ou seja, cabelos que perdem a forma, espigados, sensíveis ao brushing e à escova, que quebram um pouco, e, em situações mais estremas, quando molhado fica elástico. 

A reconstrução é reposição de queratina, proteínas e colagénio, sendo a etapa que requer menos frequência, pois em demasia tem o efeito contrário, tornando o cabelo duro e quebradiço. É o melhor para cabelos muito danificados, falta de brilho e movimento, extremamente quebradiço, com pouca massa e molhado continua duro e espigado. 

Que tipo de produtos usar para cada etapa?

Isto parece mais difícil do que é! A sério! xD Basta ler os rótulos e procurar os ingredientes certos, tendo em conta que a percentagem dos ingredientes vai diminuindo por ordem, ou seja, os primeiros têm maior percentagem e os últimos muito pouca percentagem.

Hidratação -glicerina, pantenol, aloe vera, extratos de frutas, algas, plantas e leite, glycerin, glyceryl stearate, propylene glycol, sodium lactate, sodium PCA, cetearyl alcohol, cetyl alcohol, stearyl alcohol e outros.

Nutrição  óleos vegetais e manteigas. Pode-se fazer umectação (aplicar óleos no cabelo) co óleos 100% vegetais, ou utilizar produtos que contenham manteigas como Karité, cacau, abacate, abacate, macadâmia, etc. e também óleos como côco, azeite extra virgem, óleo de castor, linhaça, abacate, cenoura, etc. 

Reconstrução - produtos que contenham queratina, creatina, aminoacidos, proteinas, colagénio, arginina, cisteína, etc.

Organização do Cronograma

Eu já encontrei vários tipos de agendas, então vou escreve-los a todos, e cada um de vocês só tem de escolher o que se adequar mais ao vosso cabelo :3
O cronograma considerado padrão é o seguinte:. 

1ª Fase - Hidratar - 2 dias sem lavar - Hidratar - 2 dias sem lavar - Nutrir - 2 dias sem lavar
2ª Fase - Hidratar - 2 dias sem lavar - Nutrir - 2 dias sem lavar - Nutrir - 2 dias sem lavar
3ª Fase - Hidratar - 2 dias sem lavar - Nutrir - 2 dias sem lavar - Reconstruir - 2 dias sem lavar

Quando se chega ao fim da 3ª fase basta recomeçar o ciclo :3

Mas este modelo não tem de ser seguido à risca! Por exemplo, neste momento eu apenas deixo um dia sem lavar em vez de dois :3 basta adaptarem às vossas necessidades  Se aguentarem os dois dias, melhor! Pois é o tempo que os produtos continuam a actuar :3 :3 Apenas não o lavem todos os dias, pois o cabelo necessita de 24h para secar totalmente, mesmo se utilizarem o secador.

Para quem quiser lavar dia sim dia não : 

1ª Fase - Hidratar - 1 dia sem lavar - Hidratar - 1 dia sem lavar - Nutrir - 1 dia sem lavar
2ª Fase - Hidratar - 1 dia sem lavar - Nutrir - 1 dia sem lavar - Nutrir - 1 dia sem lavar
3ª Fase - Hidratar - 1 dia sem lavar - Nutrir - 1 dia sem lavar - Reconstruir - 1 dia sem lavar

Outra coisa que podem alterar é a quantidade de hidratações, nutrições e reconstruções.

Segundo outro blog, tiverem cabelo muito fraco/danificado podem fazer : 

Fase : Hidratar - 2 dias sem lavar - Nutrir - 2 dias sem lavar - Reconstruir .- 2 dias sem lavar 

Manter o ciclo até o cabelo ficar mais forte. Mas tenham muita atenção, pois reconstrução a mais pode ter o efeito contrário, por isso eu aconselho a o fazerem apenas de duas em duas semanas no máximo. 

Se tiverem cabelos porosos basta aumentarem a Nutrição!

1ª Fase - Hidratar - 1 dia sem lavar - Nutrir - 1 dia sem lavar - Nutrir - 1 dia sem lavar
2ª Fase - Hidratar - 1 dia sem lavar - Nutrir - 1 dia sem lavar - Nutrir - 1 dia sem lavar
3ª Fase - Hidratar - 1 dia sem lavar - Nutrir - 1 dia sem lavar - Reconstruir - 1 dia sem lavar

Pronto, acho que já respondi às principais perguntas xD No próximo post vou mostrar-vos a hidratação que fiz hoje e quais os produtos que usei. Farei sempre posts com dicas, com receitas caseiras e sempre que usar algo novo faço uma review :3 
Tentarei claro fazer vídeos das receitas e explicar como se faz misturinhas e o que se faz mais detalhadamente em cada etapa do cronograma :3
Ficarei muito feliz se deixarem comentários com as vossas opiniões, experiências e criticas construtivas! :3 

segunda-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2013

Brace yourselves, pictures are coming! òwó

I'm so sorry I haven't posted for a while but i've been busy and going out every night!

But today I'm a home and relaxing =) i spent the afternoon with my grandmother, something i haven't done in a while. We went shopping because it was my brother's girlfriend birthday so my grandmother wanted to give her some tulips, since she loves tulups =) And i wanted to so search for  the boots for my cosplay (which is no longer a secret xD I'll be cosplaying Uruha (the GazettE) from the DECADE dvd!! ) and I found these boots that were perfect for the cosplay! And my grandmother bought them for me! And a new pair of pants, again ;w; she can be the sweetest person when she wants to~

New awesome snake skin pattern skinny pants~
you can only see the shinny pattern in the light OAO
one of my kitties, Hina. she just layed on my bed while I was taking pictures xD
my new proud and joy~ my boots for Uruha cosplay! <3 br="">
awesome boots are awesome! I'll just have to paint them black =w=
Friday night we celebrated my aunt Raven's birthday! I loveeeeeeee her! She really is one of the most important persons in my life! So, we all gathered at a friend's house and we had dinner together, and she got a cake with Disney princesses xD and afterwards we played Monopoly until around 3:30 am! It was a nerve wrecking game! But there was a lot of charity during the game xD and Renato managed to win! We were all standing around the table watching the last two players and Raven even recorded it for 11 minutes xD
I have so much fun around my cute aunt -^w^-
 And on Saturday night we had dinner at my house and afterwards we went to the coffee shop and celebrated it again xD Cause there was a surprise for Raven, which was this awesome steampunk cake based on a top hat and goggles she used on the Eurosteam con.
Raven with my Misha ~
epic cake was epic! *^*
Me and RAven again on Saturday night *^*

  Oh, one of my best friends featured me on her blog! She's so cute ;w; She has started her blog not long ago but she's doing pretty well =) she started by introducing her self on her first post and in today's post she introduced the three japanese fashions she likes, which are Lolita, Gyaru and Visual Kei. and she talked about me both in Lolita and Visual Kei =) (since i don't really like Gyaru xD) She was the cuttest thing and said i'm her inspiration muse! ;w; isn't she sweet? s2 Plus, it makes me want to make a post about lolita, too! Maybe one day xP

 About Kou's Uruha make up tuturial, i've been watching it ad practicing it and i still have to practice some more but here are some photos of how it turned out! Plus... Bunny uruha! Or Bunnyruru as Kouyou-chan called me xD
First try! only on one eye xD
 And outfits!! xD I forgot to take pictures =3= so there are only two outfits buttt i'll post them next time cause the amount of pictures in this post is too damn high! xD
I promise i'll try to post tomorrow xP

quarta-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2013

small post =3=

Hey everyone =)

I don't have a lot to say today, just that once again, I had awesome conversations with the sweetest foreign persons *^* one of them is so cute I wish she could be my little sister xD The other one is so sweet that she even made a tuturial video 'cause I asked her ;w; s2

So i'm searching for fellow cosplayers to join my the GazettE group cosplay, but it's getting hard to find both Aoi and Kai cosplayers ;A; Which sucks! I want Aoiha fanservice =3=

Tomorrow I'll go get new make up to start practicing! *^* I want to make my new make up guru, Kou-chan, proud of me xD oh, and now I have to make a tuturial video for her too OAO I'm going to be so embarassed =3=

So, outfit picture.... yeah... i took one for Kouyou-chan but it's kinda meh =A= anyway, I'll just post it and get over it XD

pretty simple, huh? but the H.naoto skirt is so warm ;w;

See you guys tomorrow <3 br="">

terça-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2013

always late... o3o

I'm sorry I took so long to update the blog! Since I came back home, I've been so tired that I just fall asleep everywhere xD so I haven't been able to post. I'm sorry! Yesterday I spent my whole day sleeping xD at least I'm a bit better now :)

So, I'm still waiting for my chinese test results OAO I'm nervous! I was so tired that I couldn't even make proper sentences xD

Well, anyway owo Last saturday was pretty awesome eventhough I sleept during the evening at my aunt's house xD and I didn't even heard about the dinner plans! XD There were only 3 members at Dorayachi's rehearsal but it was very productive! I was so proud and happy 〓w〓 after spending my afternoon with my dear friends I went with my aunt to my grandmother's house<3 then bedtime! And I sleept the wholeeee day xD and I was so tired i slept pretty well last night even though I was awake for some hours xD

Today I drove alone to Braga for the first time, in my car! It was nice not to carry my bags to the train then to the bus then walking home 〓A〓 And I'll be coming back home earlier cause I am going to watch Dark Oath's concert at Hardclub!

And once again, I met some awesome people online *^* one of them was a brazilian cosplayer, who cosplays Uruha from the GazettE, Omi from Exist Trace, and other Jrockers, and she's so adorable owo

I'm sorry I don't have any outfits from saturday and sunday to post, i didn't take a picture on saturday and yesterday I spent my day in my pajamas xD
this was what i wore today owo
 See you guys tomorrow! <3 br="br">

sábado, 19 de janeiro de 2013

Chinese is finally over 8D

This is going to be a mini post xD

I didn't sleep last nigh to study for my chinese test. Well, the teacher helped me a lot, but i hope to get a 10 at least ;3; i didn't get the composition theme i was hopping for, I got sad cause I wanted to introduce two special friends ;3;

My roommate stayed up almost all night with me =) our skin tones matched our milk with coffee xD

Today as a good day even though i almost fell asleep everywhere, even when I was driving, and it was raining so much today that I got all wet and had to take a hot shower so my cold wouldn't get even worst. OAO  So, I left home after getting ready again since I was invited to have dinner at a friend's house and I just ended up sleeping a bit theere since they saw I was almost sleeping seated in that chair looking at the computer monitor xD Afterwards we met our dear friends at "Preguiça", a coffee shop. It was fun as always *^*

i really like this make up *^*

i'm going to bed =) See you guys tomorrow <3 br="br">

sexta-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2013

Studying and games 8D

more chinese ;A; I miss studying japanese ;A;
 Today was just a wierd day. To start it the best way I woke up really sick, I knew my cold was going to getting worse. The best part of it was that I had no classes today, but i felt so sick I couldn't concentrate at studying at all ;3; but, I have a test tomorrow, so I'm trying hard! The rest of the day was a mix of  playing games on my roomate's i-pad while trying to study, wierd situations, and wierd feelings. I kind of feel frustrated right now, oh well, not all days are good and I'm not going to let anything make me feel down for long! I'm getting better at leaving stuff behind and stop overthinking, and I've got to admit it feels way better to just let things go~

Playing games with logic 8D
I feel lucky cause I always get to meet awesome people online! Both from Portugal and foreign countries. Of course there's always some asshole coming along =A= but they're all awesome people overall =) They always keep me company ~

Oh, I finally wore my new b&w leopard print blazer *^* it's so cool and flashy! But it was so cold at night i had to leave it at home and take a warmer jacket when i went to the coffee shop to study a bit. And I managed to get into a pair of pants that used to be to tight since i gained some weight last year, so I must be thinner! YAY! So, I'm learning how to be more confident, again xD I really should take care of myself a bit better to feel better about myself, more secure... well, everyone keeps saying confidence is sexy xP 

 Oh, I haven't written about that day when i stayed at home with my friends having dinner and playing games until 3am xD It was so awesome *^* They asked me to make my Chilli and they loved it! Then we played Cluedo and Treason in the Tower, which I bought when I went to London, about 8 years ago, in the Tower of London. You have to be able to steal the crown and get away safely, while the other players try to steal you the crown after you get it. I had such a great time =w= I always do with them around! And we made pancakes! I bought the pancake mix on the American Store, and it's delicious *^*

My dear aunt Raen <3v br="br">

I'm sorry I don't have much to say today, It really wasn't a good day much of the time, but at least spending time with Pedro and Mariana is always nice*^*
