terça-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2013

always late... o3o

I'm sorry I took so long to update the blog! Since I came back home, I've been so tired that I just fall asleep everywhere xD so I haven't been able to post. I'm sorry! Yesterday I spent my whole day sleeping xD at least I'm a bit better now :)

So, I'm still waiting for my chinese test results OAO I'm nervous! I was so tired that I couldn't even make proper sentences xD

Well, anyway owo Last saturday was pretty awesome eventhough I sleept during the evening at my aunt's house xD and I didn't even heard about the dinner plans! XD There were only 3 members at Dorayachi's rehearsal but it was very productive! I was so proud and happy 〓w〓 after spending my afternoon with my dear friends I went with my aunt to my grandmother's house<3 then bedtime! And I sleept the wholeeee day xD and I was so tired i slept pretty well last night even though I was awake for some hours xD

Today I drove alone to Braga for the first time, in my car! It was nice not to carry my bags to the train then to the bus then walking home 〓A〓 And I'll be coming back home earlier cause I am going to watch Dark Oath's concert at Hardclub!

And once again, I met some awesome people online *^* one of them was a brazilian cosplayer, who cosplays Uruha from the GazettE, Omi from Exist Trace, and other Jrockers, and she's so adorable owo

I'm sorry I don't have any outfits from saturday and sunday to post, i didn't take a picture on saturday and yesterday I spent my day in my pajamas xD
this was what i wore today owo
 See you guys tomorrow! <3 br="br">

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