I'm so sorry I haven't posted for a while but i've been busy and going out every night!
But today I'm a home and relaxing =) i spent the afternoon with my grandmother, something i haven't done in a while. We went shopping because it was my brother's girlfriend birthday so my grandmother wanted to give her some tulips, since she loves tulups =) And i wanted to so search for the boots for my cosplay (which is no longer a secret xD I'll be cosplaying Uruha (the GazettE) from the DECADE dvd!! ) and I found these boots that were perfect for the cosplay! And my grandmother bought them for me! And a new pair of pants, again ;w; she can be the sweetest person when she wants to~
New awesome snake skin pattern skinny pants~ |
you can only see the shinny pattern in the light OAO |
one of my kitties, Hina. she just layed on my bed while I was taking pictures xD |
my new proud and joy~ my boots for Uruha cosplay! <3 br="">3> |
awesome boots are awesome! I'll just have to paint them black =w= |
Friday night we celebrated my aunt Raven's birthday! I loveeeeeeee her! She really is one of the most important persons in my life! So, we all gathered at a friend's house and we had dinner together, and she got a cake with Disney princesses xD and afterwards we played Monopoly until around 3:30 am! It was a nerve wrecking game! But there was a lot of charity during the game xD and Renato managed to win! We were all standing around the table watching the last two players and Raven even recorded it for 11 minutes xD
owo |
I have so much fun around my cute aunt -^w^- |
And on Saturday night we had dinner at my house and afterwards we went to the coffee shop and celebrated it again xD Cause there was a surprise for Raven, which was this awesome steampunk cake based on a top hat and goggles she used on the Eurosteam con.
Raven with my Misha ~ |
Highfive!! |
epic cake was epic! *^* |
Me and RAven again on Saturday night *^* |
Oh, one of my best friends featured me on her
blog! She's so cute ;w; She has started her blog not long ago but she's doing pretty well =) she started by introducing her self on her first post and in today's post she introduced the three japanese fashions she likes, which are Lolita, Gyaru and Visual Kei. and she talked about me both in Lolita and Visual Kei =) (since i don't really like Gyaru xD) She was the cuttest thing and said i'm her inspiration muse! ;w; isn't she sweet? s2 Plus, it makes me want to make a post about lolita, too! Maybe one day xP
About Kou's Uruha make up tuturial, i've been watching it ad practicing it and i still have to practice some more but here are some photos of how it turned out! Plus... Bunny uruha! Or Bunnyruru as Kouyou-chan called me xD
First try! only on one eye xD |
And outfits!! xD I forgot to take pictures =3= so there are only two outfits buttt i'll post them next time cause the amount of pictures in this post is too damn high! xD
I promise i'll try to post tomorrow xP